Texas A&M's Industrial Engineering Program is one of the finest, largest and most highly regarded in the nation. It is consistently ranked among the top 6 or 7 Industrial Engineering departments in the nation. There are strong teaching and research programs in manufacturing and production systems, operations research, applied probability and statistics, systems simulation and transportation systems. Faculty represent diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise, they share a common interest in industrial engineering research and education. They are nationally recognized for their contributions in research and their service to the profession. Several are fellows in the Institute of Industrial Engineers; others are fellows in the American Society for Quality, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the International Society of Logistics, and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Two are members of the National Academy of Engineering.
To compete successfully in today's market place, companies need to manage effectively and efficiently the activities of design, manufacturing, distribution, service and recycling of their products and services to their customers. Supply chain management deals with the management of materials, information and financial flows in a network consisting of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and customers. The coordination and integration of these flows within and across companies are critical in effective supply chain management.
It is important that the information, material and financial flows are coordinated effectively in a supply chain. Material flows involve both physical product flows from suppliers to customers through the chain, as well as the reverse flows via product returns, servicing, recycling and disposal. Information flows involve order transmission and delivery status. Financial flows involve credit terms, payment schedules, and consignment and title ownership arrangements. These flows cut across multiple organizations within a company as well as across companies and industries. In the last few years, the coordination and integration of these flows have attracted significant interest on the part of researchers, management, consultants and practitioners in academia and industry.
Due to the recent trends of vertical disintegration, international procurements, new information technologies and increasing pressure from customers on responsiveness and reliability, and the globalization of operations and markets, supply chain management has become at once a challenge and an opportunity. Indeed, many companies have now viewed supply chain management as the core of their business strategy.